Biologically Engineered DNA Data Storage will be a Layer of the Convergent Exponential Tech Stack

Interesting discussion of DNA storage [via OODA] – Science fiction has probably done a huge disservice to the emerging bioeconomy, depicting any engagement with biology-based entities or systems with what always seems to include the prerequisite unseemly, fear-inducing, salivary-esque, sometimes lugubrious blob-like, purple or green, mucousy, gelatin substance.… Read the rest

The Algorithm

“I think the problem with being surrounded by algorithmic recommendations is that it prevents us from being challenged and surprised a lot of the time, like everything is molded to our preferences that we’ve already expressed. The Spotify recommendations follow all the bands and genres that they know you like, that you engage with.Read the rest

‘looCon 24 Photos from Docent CTF

On March 7, Docent hosted a Capture The Flag (CTF) for over 200 students in Waterloo, IA. Docent Director of Educational Programs, Dr. Somchai Rice, attended and led the CTF. The students found the event fun and educational. This was also an opportunity to prove out the ability to support events like this remotely, in the future.… Read the rest