OnShore Webinar: Building the Cybersecurity Community of Tomorrow

Cybersecurity practitioners, as defenders of information, benefit from the fact that they are, in some ways, one large team, and the sharing of information and best practices as an industry and a community elevates everyone’s ability to protect their data. The passing of experience and expertise among peers is important, but staying ahead of emerging cyber threats requires recruiting and training the next generation. … Read the rest

2022 CornCon 8 – Midwest Cybersecurity Conference

This year we have something for everyone. From the Boardroom to tractor hacking. Speakers, vendors, villages and contests. We also have 150 HS students who are introduced to cybersecurity as a career, with a CTF on Friday. 150 K12 students and their parents who come to enjoy our STEM festival full of activities like lockpicking, ethical hacking, coding, computer building, VR and Hacker Jeopardy for Kids.… Read the rest