‘looCon 24 Photos from Docent CTF

On March 7, Docent hosted a Capture The Flag (CTF) for over 200 students in Waterloo, IA. Docent Director of Educational Programs, Dr. Somchai Rice, attended and led the CTF. The students found the event fun and educational. This was also an opportunity to prove out the ability to support events like this remotely, in the future.… Read the rest

NICE Framework v1.0.0 Updated

NICE Framework components version 1.0.0 comprises Cybersecurity Work Role Categories, Work Roles, Competency Areas, and Task, Knowledge, and Skill (TKS) statements as well as the relationships between those elements. Previously released in 2017 as the Reference Spreadsheet, the NICE Framework components have had a full refresh and update of content based on feedback from recent calls for comment.… Read the rest

Cybersecurity Career Week – October 16-21, 2023

NIST has developed and curated many cybersecurity career resources. Check out their Cybersecurity Career Week page @ https://nist.gov/nice/ccw.

The pathways to – and through – a career in cybersecurity are truly innumerable, beginning with a wide array of starting points, moving through countless combinations of education, training, and learning experiences, and leading to a broad range of cybersecurity of job opportunities.

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CornCon 9 Midwest Cybersecurity Conference

Docent hosts 2023 CornCon 9 Midwest Cybersecurity Conference which will be held Oct 5-7, 2023. Registration and calls for speakers/villages/contests/volunteers are open on our website! Earn 16 CPE credits. The Children of The CornCon Kids’ Hacker Camp and STEM Festival will be held for 150 students on Saturday.… Read the rest

Docent Hosts Chicago CISO Dinner & HS Cyber Career Day

Docent is hosting a career day for Chicago CPS students on March 21, 2023. This is co-hosted with Security Advisor Alliance in downtown Chicago. CPS arranges the busses and who attends, but we expect around 150.

We are following up a day of volunteering with High School students by also hosting a Chicago CISO Dinner for Chicagoland security leaders and our volunteers at The Casino, Chicago’s oldest private club.… Read the rest